Ready to start your new business?
I may not know you personally however, there are a number of things as an objective bystander that encourage me to believe that you are...
Investment time for your new product?
Simple solutions for your new health product. Including 2019 funding opportunities, tighter market conditions will prevail this year, yet op
Maintaining motivation pre Brexit.
Over recent weeks there has been one common theme regularly emerging for me about the “state of the nation”. Complicated to navigate as... blog June 2018
This 4 minute read is titled; The challenge of Healthcare Technology utopia in the UK. As we potentially we stand at the edge of a new...
The Winning Formula?
Concept to Commissioning - Part 1 Many entrepreneurs and businesses develop life-changing products and services that will benefit...
The 70 year crossroads?
With the UK population projected to increase from 64.6m in mid 2014 - to 72.7m by 2034, how long can the NHS continue to care for over 1 mil